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Close-up of hand pointing to screen of open laptop while another person works the track pad.


Custom App & Web Development

Apps Built to Perform, Evolve, and Scale

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Web & Mobile App Development Services

As experts in mobile and web development, as well as complex and scalable infrastructures, we are intimately familiar with technologies such as React, React Native, Node.js/TypeScript, and AWS.


Mobile development: iOS, Android, React Native

Frontend app development: React.js, Vue.js, AngularJS

Server-side development: Node.js, Spring, Django, .NET

Languages: TypeScript, Java/Kotlin, Python, C#

Databases: PostgreSQL, Cassandra, DynamoDB

Industry Memberships

Logo for Amazon Web Services

Featured Projects

Avant Assessment

Slaying platform sprawl to keep an industry leader on top

We helped Avant Assessment strengthen its language testing products from both the bottom up and the top down.

Open laptop displaying testing summary for Arabic 3 test in the Avant online language assessment.


Securing user engagement and $26M+ in funding

We helped Blue Note Therapeutics complete their cancer patient support app on an accelerated schedule, enabling them to lock-in Series A funding and fast-tracking their product for FDA approval.

Smart phone displaying screen from attune stress management support app.


Delivering a life-saving app for moms & babies

We partnered with the University of Oregon to turn a neuroscience-backed prenatal support program into a scalable mobile app for underserved pregnant people.

Hand holding smartphone showing GrowMotif prenatal coaching app home screen with coffee and snack in background.


Event management evolves with a smarter planning platform

We worked with Intrevent to build a platform that lets planners manage every detail of an event and monitor how all the pieces interact, in real-time

Open laptop sitting on desk displaying Intrevent event planning software scheduling screen.

Speaking of Results

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The infrastructure they implemented performs complicated feats of organization while managing to make it look easy. The technical and aesthetic designs are spot-on.

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Chris Sjoblom

Co-Founder of Intervent, Inc.

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The technical team has been a great strategic partner, looking far beyond the scope of the project to our long-term needs and helping us make good choices.

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Michael McKinley

Head of Product at BlueNote Therapeutics