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Over-shoulder view of person typing on a laptop displaying the prompt screen for ChatGPT


AI & Machine Learning

Delivering Smarter Innovation with AI

work with us

Artificial Intelligence Services

We leverage cutting-edge machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in the natural language processing (NLP), deep learning, and MLOps spaces.


Natural language processing (NLP)

Prompt engineering

Deep learning systems


Industry Memberships

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Featured Projects


Smarter language learning, powered by AI

LearningWrite taps into leading-edge artificial intelligence tools to accelerate writing practice, driving better outcomes for English and world language learners

Young smiling teen with notebooks and backpack standing in classroom surrounded by other students sitting at desks taking notes.


Delivering a life-saving app for moms & babies

We partnered with the University of Oregon to turn a neuroscience-backed prenatal support program into a scalable mobile app for underserved pregnant people.

Hand holding smartphone showing GrowMotif prenatal coaching app home screen with coffee and snack in background.

Speaking of Results

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Teachers want to give every student the personalized support they need, every class – but there just isn’t time. With LearningWrite, it’s like having 30 language tutors in the classroom, giving each student individualized practice and feedback. It’s incredible!

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Sherry Dickerson

Language Teacher and Educational Consultant for LearningWrite

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The finished app’s look, feel, and build exceeded our expectations! We were really impressed with 20i’s smooth and engaging collaboration process, and we look forward to working with them for future projects.

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Dr. Elliot Berkman

Co-creator of TrueMotif